The Leroy Simon Collection

Antheraea pernyi

Antheraea pernyi male, China, copyright protected, courtesy of Leroy Simon.

Antheraea pernyi female, China, copyright protected, courtesy of Leroy Simon.

Antheraea pernyi eggs, first instar, China,
copyright protected, courtesy of Leroy Simon.

Antheraea pernyi second instar, China,
copyright protected, courtesy of Leroy Simon.

Antheraea pernyi third instar, China,
copyright protected, courtesy of Leroy Simon.

Antheraea pernyi fifth instar, China,
copyright protected, courtesy of Leroy Simon.

Antheraea pernyi fifth instar spinning cocoon, China,
copyright protected, courtesy of Leroy Simon.

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This site has been created by Bill Oehlke at
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.

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