Catocala ultronia
Updated as per E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum, Dept. of Bio. Sc., U. of Alberta, Nov. 2007.
Updated as per Noctuidae of Western Canada, Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility, Nov 2007

Harry King, Michigan Catocala Collection

Catocala ultronia
(Hubner, 1823) Eunetis ultronia

Catocala ultroni form celia, bait, Mason, Ingham County, Michigan,
July 7, 1994. courtesy of Harry King.

Catocala ultroni form celia (verso), bait, Mason, Ingham County, Michigan,
July 7, 1994. courtesy of Harry King.

This site has been created by Bill Oehlke at
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.


Superfamily: Noctuoidea
Family: Noctuidae
Group: Noctuinina
Subfamily: Catocalinae
Genus: Catocala, Schrank, 1802
species: 8857 ultronia


"Moon River"
copyright C. Odenkirk

<bgsound src="moon.mid" LOOP=FOREVER>

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Please send sightings/images to Bill. I will do my best to respond to requests for identification help.