Tim Dyson: Night Vision Photography

Catocala briseis, Peterborough, Ontario, September 15, 2004, Tim Dyson copyright

The dark upper wings with a distinct white to pale yellow area between the post median line and the subterminal line help to determine this species.

The reniform and subreniform spots are also lighter in colour as compared to the rest of the wing.

The two upper teeth, often quite elongated in many species, are greatly shortened in C. briseis.

The hindwings are deep salmon, and the white fringe is heavily checked along the veins.

Catocala briseis, courtesy of Tim Dyson, copyright
Peterborough, Ontario, August 16, 2004.

Like many of the willow/poplar feeders, this species reponds well to a bait trail with larval hosts near by.

Moths can be quite common but the larvae are seldom seen. They hide near the base of the tree during the day and feed at night.

Catocala briseis, courtesy of Tim Dyson, copyright.

As of October 3, 2004, Catocala briseis is still on the wing.

Tim manages to catch this one in flight along his bait trail in Peterborough, Ontario.

The "landing gear" is down, and this seems to be typical of Catocala in flight.

The stiff spine(s), frenulum, projecting from the hindwing, close to the body, into a receptacle on the underside of the forewing, keep the wings in harmonious motion.

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