Citheronia Hybrids,
with bilateral gynandromorph hybrid larva
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by Katelyn Mayo

Citheronia regalis male x Citheronia splendens splendens female,
courtesy of Katelyn Mayo.

Citheronia splendens splendens male x Citheronia regalis female,
courtesy of Katelyn Mayo.

During spring/summer of 2012 Katelyn Mayo had pairings of Citheronia regalis with Citheronia splendens splendens, both types, ie, male and female regalis with female and male splendens splendens, respectively. She did not separate the resultant hybrid larvae, some of which are depicted below.

Citheronia regalis x Citheronia splendens splendens third instar on sweetgum,
courtesy of Katelyn Mayo.

Citheronia regalis x Citheronia splendens splendens fourth instar on sweetgum,
courtesy of Katelyn Mayo.

Citheronia regalis x Citheronia splendens splendens fifth instar on sweetgum,
courtesy of Katelyn Mayo.

Citheronia regalis x Citheronia splendens splendens fifth instar on sweetgum,
courtesy of Katelyn Mayo.

The resultant hybrid adults are beautiful and are depicted below.

Hybrid Citheronia regalis x Citheronia splendens splendens male,
courtesy of Katelyn Mayo.

Hybrid Citheronia regalis x Citheronia splendens splendens female,
courtesy of Katelyn Mayo.

Katelyn writes,

"Hey Bill,

"I have been raising C.regalis x C.splendens hybrids. A few weeks ago I was relocating them and noticed that one was split all the way down the middle of two different color phases. I seperated it and took pictures of it. I suspected that it might be a gynandromorph but couldn't be sure. It just pupated and you can see the male parts are pushed to one side and there are differences in the wings also. I have pictures of the pupae, too. I'm almost positive that it's a gynandromorph. Let me know if you would like pictures for the website!"

Katelyn has indicated that she thinks she has a pupa of a gynandromorph hybrid. That should prove very interesting if the moth ecloses.

Have a close look at what is believe to be the gynandromorph hybrid larva. Note the differences in colouration in the left (brownish) and right sides (greenish), and also note the differences in the dorsal, abdominal scoli: left side: orange with black tips; right side: black with orange ring at base. Additional images of larva and pupa are in the hybrid section. Hopefully Katelyn will get images of the moth spring/summer of 2013.

Gynandromorph larva of Citheronia regalis x Citheronia s. splendens.

Gynandromorph larva of Citheronia regalis x Citheronia s. splendens.

Gynandromorph pupa of Citheronia regalis x Citheronia s. splendens.

Gynandromorph larva of Citheronia regalis x Citheronia s. splendens.

Gynandromorph larva of Citheronia regalis x Citheronia s. splendens.

Gynandromorph larva of Citheronia regalis x Citheronia s. splendens.

Gynandromorph larva of Citheronia regalis x Citheronia s. splendens.

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