Smerinthus cerisyi,<br>Cerisyi's Sphinx

Smerinthus cerisyi
smeh-RIN-thuhsm sir-EE-see-eye
Kirby, 1837
One-eyed Sphinx or Cerisy's Sphinx

Smerinthus cerisyi male, May 3, 2006, Guelph, Ontario, by Chris Lee.

This site has been created by Bill Oehlke at
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill. I am building a data base of collecting data so please send species, date and location of any Sphingidae sightings to Bill Oehlke.

Chris sent me a sighting report for June 24, 2005, and then sent me the images top of page and to the right of May 3, 2006 sighting.

Weather has been quite warm and Chris notes this is an early appearance for this species.

The common name is the One-eyed Sphinx or Cerisyi's Sphinx. This one is a male, based on curved abdomen and antennae.

Females have smooth antennae and a turkey-baster shaped abdomen that hangs straight down.

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