Hybrids from (Actias luna x Actias truncatipennis)
x Actias isabellae

Dominique Adès

Female from Graellsia isabellae male x hybrid (luna x truncatipennis) female

Male from Graellsia isabellae male x hybrid (luna x truncatipennis) female

Female from Graellsia isabellae male x hybrid (luna x truncatipennis) female

Male from male Graellsia isabellae x female offspring from
male luna and female from (luna male x truncatipennis female)

Female from male Graellsia isabellae x female offspring from
male luna and female from (luna male x truncatipennis female)

Male from male Graellsia isabellae x female offspring from
male and female both from (luna male x truncatipennis female)

Female from male Graellsia isabellae x female offspring from
male and female both from (luna male x truncatipennis female)

Larva (3rd instar) from male Graellsia isabellae x female offspring from
male and female both from (luna male x truncatipennis female)

Larva (5th instar) from male Graellsia isabellae x female offspring from
male and female both from (luna male x truncatipennis female)

Ternary hydridizations between Actias Graellsia isabellae g. male and some female hybrids issued from Actias luna L. and Actias truncatipennis Sonth. have been obtained in 1992 (Lambillionea, XCIV, 2, p132-136, juin 1993). Female hybrids were:

[(luna x truncatipennis) x luna] or HL,
[(luna x (luna x truncatipennis)] x [(luna x truncatipennis) x luna] or LH x HL,
and (luna x truncatipennis) x (luna x truncatipennis) or H2.
Female don’t bear mature ovules. Her pupae have been treated for imaginal moulting. Male fecundity keep being validated or invalidated.

Dominique Adès

All these photographs with courtesy of Dominique Adès.

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