Robert Lemaitre

Robert Lemaitre of France has a special interest in hybrids and frequently works with Robert Vuattoux and many other breeders.

You can reach Robert via email: Robert Lemaitre or newer email at Robert Lemaitre.

Male from Actias selene male x Actias artemis female, courtesy of Robert Lemaitre and team.

He writes,

"Cherche toutes les souches d'actias possibles pour tentatives recherches et hybridations: j'achète les cocons ou éventuellement échanges avec retour (si réussite) D’une partie des oeufs hybridés (un minimum de 12 cocons ou plus Pour un maximum de chances) je suis aussi ouvert à d'autres formes de trocs!"

"Looking for possible stocks of Actias in order to attempt research and hybridizations. I buy the cocoons or propose a return exchange (if successful) part of the hybridized eggs (with a minumum of 12 cocoons or more for maximum success) I'm also open for other propositions."

"Auf der Suche nach allen moeglichen Actiasstaemme fuer Forschungsversuche und Hybridationen. Ich kaufe die Eier oder schlage einen eventuellen Austausch vor mit Rueckgabe (wenn erfolgreich) ein Teil der hybridierten Eier (mindestens 12 Kokon oder mehr fuer Erfolg). Ich bin auch offen fuer andere Austauschmoeglichkeiten."

In November 2012 Robert writes, "Now with my breeder friends we are gathered together under the name "INSECTOMANIAK", and, beyond breeding hybrid livestock, we participate in the annual exhibiton Juvisy. We sell living material and have much success with schools and science classrooms."

Robert and the team of hybrid specialists sell livestock. Contact Robert via this email link, Robert Lemaitre.

Eric, Patrick, Pierre (Belgium friend), Robert Lemaitre, Jean-Pierre, Jean-Claude,
Juvisy, September 2012.

Juvisy Insect Fair

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