Tim Dyson: Night Vision Photography

Catocala amatrix, Peterborough, Ontario, August 27, 2004, Tim Dyson copyright

The Catocala usually rest with their forewings completely hiding their more brightly coloured hindwings.

Catocala amatrix, Peterborough, Ontario, August 27, 2004, Tim Dyson copyright

Tim Dyson writes, "The first C. amatrix arrived here last night. I had just plastered all the trees, and then from the kitchen, saw her in the greenhouse fluttering on the kitchen window.

"Our greenhouse is just a little room built on part of the deck, so the kitchen window looks right out into it. Its the place where I make my moth brews.

" I took a few photos of her (closed-winged), then caught her, and took her down to one of the sugared poplars along the driveway. I just let her head poke out, and she began drinking the stuff from the tree, while still in my hand.

"I let her climb onto the tree, where she sat drinking for another two hours."

Check out the "moth brews" used by Tim and others.

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